17 Famous People Who Will Inspire You to Meditate Now
For the beautiful actress, Jennifer Aniston, having a sense of inner peace makes a lot of difference, and she achieves peace through meditation. She says it keeps her looking good.
“It just centers you, and your stress levels are just down. And you find yourself interacting in the world much easier and better, in a calmer way. And there’s just a peaceful joy that sort of comes over you… [It]’s really changed everything. Starting your day off with that and ending with that is pretty powerful… When I get lazy and don’t get it in, I can feel a difference.”
Brazilian supermodel and Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme, Gisele Bündchen practices meditation regularly.
““I practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day. Every morning and lunchtime or evening, for about 20 minutes.”
The famous actor, Hugh Jackman, beautifully described meditation when he said:
“Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.”
4. 凱蒂·佩芮(KATY PERRY)
Even with her hectic lifestyle, the successful singer, Katy Perry, swears to squeeze meditation whenever she can. For her, meditation is a way to reorganize herself, balance her life and deal with the stress of touring.
To quote her, “I do [meditation] as much as I possibly can… it works… It puts me in the best mood. It’s the only time my mind gets absolute rest… it’s the deepest rest your brain gets. I’m [always] dreaming about whatever I’m creating next, or relationships, or blah, blah, blah. So I’m never really off. And meditation is actually the one time I get to really reset.”
For the talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres, meditation helps her restart herself.
She can be heard saying, “It feels good. Kinda like when you have to shut your computer down, just sometimes when it goes crazy, you just shut it down and when you turn it on, it’s okay again. That’s what meditation is to me.”
6. 羅素·布蘭德(RUSSEL BRAND)
Russel Brand has used meditation to end his drug addiction and keep himself off drugs. He has said meditation ‘made him a better person’ and has found much joy in his daily meditation and yoga.
7. 麗芙·泰勒(LIV TYLER)
For the actress, Liv Tyler, meditation serves as her balancing act in life.
“Meditation and being close to yourself helps everything in your life… It helps [me] make better decisions and be a better mother, and just deal with the daily stress of the modern world that we live in. It helps with everything.”
8. 歐普拉·溫芙蕾(OPRAH WINFREY)
Often we wonder: Where does Oprah Winfrey get her vibrant energy? In an interview, she shares that it is through everyday centering of herself, and she does this through meditation. Oprah is said to have discovered Transcendental Meditation while preparing for an episode of “Oprah the Next Chapter.”
“…Being still with ourselves and coming back to the center and recognizing that something is more important than you…brings a kind of energy… an intention that we’ve never had before. You can’t imagine what’s happened in the company… It’s been fantastic… The one thing I want to do is center myself every day and make that a practice for myself. Because I’m 1,000 percent better when I do that.”
9. 荷莉·貝瑞(HALLE BERRY)
Halle Berry says “I meditate… all the time… I’ve been doing a series of meditations since the day [my father] died when I go to this gazebo—I imagine it in my mind—and there he is sitting there, and he says to me all the things that he should have said to me in his life.”
10. 李察·吉爾(RICHARD GERE)
There is a certain charm on how the actor/ director, Richard Gere, ages. Perhaps this can be attributed to his long time meditation practice.
“I remember when I was just starting to practice meditation—24 years old, trying to come to grips with my life. I was holed up in my sh**** little apartment for months at a time, just… doing my best to do sitting practice. I had a very clear feeling that I’d always been in meditation, that I’d never left meditation… It helps me set my motivation for the day.”
11. 伊娃·曼德絲(EVA MENDES)
For the ever gorgeous star, Eva Mendes, there’s a plethora of benefits you can reap from meditation.
“[Meditation] really helps create not only a sense of balance… but serenity and kind of a calm state of mind… it helps me deal with life’s ups and downs, coming from more of a centered place. Also, it helps with creativity… it’s tapping into something so deep that when I reap the rewards, I do not even know I’m reaping them.”
12. 雪瑞兒·可洛(SHERYL CROWE)
Aside from subscribing to other holistic practices, Sheryl Crowe, also believes in the power of meditation.
“One of the things – and this comes from someone who was highly self-critical and a type-A personality – that has changed my life is meditating.”
13. 諾瓦克·喬科維奇(NOVAK DJOKOVIC)
Tennis is one tough physical and mental sports, and the world tennis champion Novak Djokovic openly admits that he succumb to the relaxing effect of meditation when he needs to recharge.
“Obviously, there is a huge amount of pressure and stress and everything involved, so you need to have a place where you know you can switch off and recharge your batteries. I guess it’s private, in a way. But I just can say that it’s… very calm and very beautiful… where I like to spend time.”
14. 雷·達里歐(RAY DALIO)
Meditation is one key practice towards success, take it from the Wall Street Trader, Ray Dalio.
“Meditation more than anything in my life was the biggest ingredient of whatever success I’ve had… It opens the mind. It creates an openness, a freedom… that creativity just kind of comes through and it creates an equanimity. In other words, you could step back and you can put things in perspective… [It] has given me-centeredness and creativity… It’s also given me peace and health.”
15. 史提夫·賈伯斯(STEVE JOBS)
Wonder how the Apple Founder, Steve Jobs, maintains his calm? Meditation.
“If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes things worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things — that’s when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more.”
Being in a state of calm without having to go on a retreat out of the country is what the DJ/ Musician Moby loves about meditation.
“I thought… meditation involved… moving to some country and renouncing wealth and materialism… [but] it’s a simple practice that calms the mind… and the thing that won me over… was its effectiveness. Nothing else helped me quiet my mind and go to a calm, centered place. The thing that makes it effective is you don’t have to do all that much, and, as a profoundly lazy person, I appreciate that.”
Meditation often evokes a certain calmness that can influence many aspects in one’s life, and this is what the model Racquel Zimmerman believes.
“As a model, I always joke that it’s very similar to being a stewardess – you’re very often at airports and hotel rooms, alone… Meditation has helped a lot in that now when I’m on a plane I meditate, and that makes me calm… The frustration is gone … Meditation changed my whole lifestyle…”
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